Hero Prop Ideas

1. Wall Rider - Arm mounted mechanism that allows players to latch onto and travel along walls in straight lines
2. Bio Gun - An organic gun that has to eat to fire projectiles. Depending on its diet it has different abilities
3. Drill-Shot - A sort of glove like launcher that shoots out a drill on a chain, allowing players to latch onto walls or drill holes through them.
4. Remote Explosive Launcher - Gun that shoots out sticky, remote grenades to set traps and stuff
5. Gum Gun - A gun that shoots two strands of gum, you can use this to stick movable objects together
6. Reflector - A large mirror type object that is used to reflect enemy projectiles and lasers
7. Flame Catcher - A backpack devise that sucks fires for use later
8. Shrink / Grow Ray - A gun that resizes props
9. X-ray Goggles - A device that lets players see through walls / certain vision blockers
10. Gravity Core - A suit that allows the user to change gravity in a certain radius around themselves

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