Creating a board game

For one of my classes, we are tasked to design and build our own board game. After throwing around ideas, I'd like to create a tactical grid-based shooter, based on utilizing the environment to the players advantage.

Therefore, what I came up with reminded me of trench warfare in WWI, so, the game theme will correlate with that! I want to create a game where the player must "engineer their own success" by building the best fortress, and stocking it with the right mixture of troops.

The game will take place in the thick of World War I, on the Western Front. Both players will be able to build up defenses and station troops for the first phase of battle, then they will fight with soldier classes picked from both sides, so that none gets an advantage. The art style will be harsh, but distanced, nothing crazy gory, but maybe downtrodden.

 I would still like it to be fairly realistic, but if it becomes too much to handle, then I'd switch it to more of a stylized look, that still has a gritty, dark feel to it, such as this.

I might even be able to add in a sort of morale system into the mechanics if time allows. But, overall the colors should be fairly muted, with high contrast, with the primary color being the color of the earth, with one team of blue, and one team of green clad soldiers.

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